Friday, October 16, 2009

Men: This may change your life

In my years on Earth, I have made a few life-altering personal discoveries. One day I may sit down and make a list of all of them so that I may pass on this acquired knowledge. Today is not that day.

However, about 10 years ago, I first discovered the wonderment that is body powder. It changed my life for the better. I can't imagine living without out it. The only problem was the options:

1) Baby Powder - This stuff is the easiest to find, and the cheapest. However, baby powder smells like... baby powder.

2) Shower to Shower - This was pretty much the best option, in my opinion. But, it's a little more expensive and it's harder to find. Also, you need to shop that creepy section of the store that's dominated by strange "woman-products" like the "half-loaf-of-bread" sponges. And of course this product was designed with women in mind, so you had less-than-masculine fragrance options like lilac, lavender, etc... You needed to find something like "tropical island" or some other almost sexually ambiguous smell.

3) The Powders in the Men's Section - These were, ironically (or perhaps not... whatever, shut up), my least preferred option. We're talking about Gold Bond and the like. Sure, they had more manly smells, but they were all "medicated powders!" So, they had that smell in the mix as well. And... they tingled and sometimes even burned! These powders were designed with specific issues in mind, and were less than ideal for general daily use.

Men, the Gods of Freshness have finally smiled upon us! A recent trip to the store revealed this physical manifestation of Their Benevolence:

Yes, friends. At long last, a man may enjoy body powder while still smelling like a man. It is a great day, indeed. (And it's about time. I mean, Shower to Shower is made by "Johnson & Johnson." You'd have thought it would have occurred to "Dick Euphemism & Dick Euphemism" to make a version of their product for people with... "Johnsons.")

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