Why is it that there is an entire segment of the population that seems to show so much more butt crack than the rest of us? No, I'm not talking about the girl at the bar stool with her ass hanging out. Depending on her body type (I know... sad but true), it's either pretty alright or kinda horrible. But aside from that, it's pretty much always horrible. I'm talking about tradesmen like carpenters and plumbers. I mean, it's infamous enough an
occurrence that "plumber's crack" has entered our vernacular. As a plumber, would you not therefore be hyper-aware of your stereotype? I can certainly tell you a lot of Polish jokes...
Sure, they may be bent over more in their line of work, but I feel the root cause is ill-fitting clothing (or a lack belts), not posture. Is the extra skin that's being revealed a sign of a secret hope that the plot of thousands of porn movies comes true? Or am I just being a snob? Should people not take public decency (not to mention comfort) as earnestly as I do?
Yes, we've had a carpenter working on our office for weeks now, and while his butt cleavage may not be exceedingly epic on any given day, his steadfast consistency is worthy of legend.
Seriously, dude... pull up your pants.
P.S. Did anyone else see the pun potential of "Sad Butt, Rue?"